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Methanol, also known as wood alcohol or methyl alcohol, is a light, volatile, colorless liquid with a distinctive odor similar to ethanol but slightly sweeter. It is the simplest alcohol, with the chemical formula CHOH, and is highly toxic if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. It has various uses or applications in multiple industries such as the following:

  • Chemical Feedstock (Formaldehyde Production, Acetic Acid Production, and MTBE)
  • Fuel Applications (Automotive Fuel, Biodiesel Production, and MTG)
  • Solvent Applications
  • Antifreeze and Coolant (Antifreeze component and De-icing Agent)
  • Pharmaceutical Industry (Extractant and Reagent)
  • Paints and Coatings (Thinner and Solvent, and Cleaning Agent)
  • Agriculture (Pesticides and Herbicides)
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Location: 15 Success St., Bulacan Metro Warehouse Center Brgy. Sta Rita, Guiguinto, Bulacan