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Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a chelating agent that is widely used in various industrial and commercial applications. Its chemical formula is C₁₀H₁₆NO, and it is a polyamino carboxylic acid that binds to metal ions, forming stable, water-soluble complexes. EDTA is typically available as a white, crystalline powder or as a salt (e.g., disodium or tetrasodium EDTA). It has various uses or applications in multiple industries such as the following

  • Water Treatment (Scale Prevention and Heavy Metal Removal)
  • Cosmetic and Personal Care (Preservative and Enhancer of Product Stability)
  • Food (Preservative and Fortification)
  • Pharmaceuticals (Chelation Therapy and Stabilizing Agent)
  • Textile (Dyeing and Bleaching)
  • Pulp and Paper (Bleaching and Paper Quality)
  • Cleaning Products (Detergents and Industrial Cleaners)
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